Monday, December 31, 2012


I orginally had this entire post planned out, that I would write up when i first got home, but then life got in the way and i somehow forgot about it for a while. I planned it to be based on a quote from the movie "Juno". It was orginally supposed to be about how thankful I am for my home in Fresno. But then I realized that Rexburg is my home. It's where I've learned more about myself than I ever have in Fresno. Where I met people that changed my life within just a few months.
"I never realized how much I like being home, until I have been somewhere
really different for a while."- Juno.
I used to think that this really different place for me was Rexburg, but over time I've realized that Fresno has become the weird place. Not in a bad way. I've just come to know this town isn't the place for me. I meant to be in Rexburg. I meant to be with those people. And i think it has taken this experience of coming home for me to realize just how much I love that place. I love the beautiful snowfalls. I love the people I'm surrounded by. I love the campus, even though it has 2879237 stair cases and 2839902 hills. I love the atmosphere. I love that I feel safe. I love it.