Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Tonight me and my mom had a talk about marriage. It got real. She thinks that I'm the girl that doesn't ever want to get married. Which is everything but the truth. I've just sort of put this wall up (cliche i know). I've gone through some rough relationships in my life. I've always put so much into the relationships I've been in, and looking back, I shouldn't have. I've never been on the receiving end of love, which is fine, i'm still way young. But it's really hard to literally put all you have into a relationship and not get anything back. So over time, I have taught myself to make it seem as if I don't care. But in all reality, marriage is all I want. 

I want to find my best friend.
I want to have someone love me as much as I love them.
I want to share my life with someone.
I want to be married in the temple, and to be sealed for time and all eternity.
I want to have someone by my side forever.
I want to share my family with someone, and someday start our own.
I want a travel partner.
I want to wake up to someone on the other side of the bed.
I want to stop worrying about being on my own. 
I want to make someone smile, and have that in return.
I want so many things. 

And I honestly cannot wait for marriage.
There mum, I said it.

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