Monday, February 18, 2013


Going into college I figured I would make a lot of friends, meet alot of new people. And that was definitely the case. But I never thought I'd meet someone who could potentially become one of my closest friends. Buttttttttt, I DID, and her name is Chelsea Sara Applegate.

It all started out in the courtyard of our dorm complex; we were all just hanging around playing a sad version of soccer. For some reason we just clicked. She was talking about snowboarding and pretty much getting all the guys. She said "dude" about 4,000 times and we got along really well. The next day at church we talked about random things, she asked me if I was a snowboarder because she thought I was "that type". We met up in between classes and made grilled cheeses like real college students. We talked about basically everything and in a matter of days we were basically best friends. We had sleepovers and stayed up really late watching movies on her mac and talking about family. We talked about past relationships and she was the one I could talk to about past mistakes. She was there for me when I needed her and I cannot thank her enough for that.

Some of my favorite experiences in Idaho I shared with her. For instance, Horse-back riding in Montana. And of course the first real snow in Rexburg. We were up at three in the morning talking when we realized it was snowing outside and we didn't think twice about going outside to play in it.
That night I stayed in her apartment, looking out the window at the most beautiful sight in the world, SNOW. I remember laying there listening to "gravity" and thinking to myself, it really doesn't get much better than this. (unless of course I was married and had a guy to share that with). haha. I think we can both agree that was one of the best nights we had in Rexburg.


Then comes the times that weren't so good. She was always there for me. I clearly remember the night I thought my world was over, and Chelsea seriously didn't leave my side. She told me in the end whatever happened was meant to be. I cried my eyes out and fell asleep listening to Christmas music on her couch. She shook it off when people asked what was wrong with me, and kept me strong through it all.

CHELSEA, if you're reading this, thank you. I love you. And I thought you should know.

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