Saturday, November 10, 2012

you've got a friend in me.

Today I'm grateful for friends. The kind that stick by your side no matter what. The ones that love you through it all. The ones that never turn their back because of a decision you make. Those are the freinds that will last a lifetime.
I don't have a ton of those friends. But I don't feel I need more than I already have.
Kelsey Frances Quintos.
It's been the best 14 years with her by my side. She has been my best freind for the longest. She knows me better than anyone. She knows the mistakes I've made. She knows how to cheer me up when I'm down. She knows how to make me laugh. And not to brag or anything, but we are flat out hilarious when we're together. She has one of those personalities that draw people in. I know that without her I would not have half the friends I have now. I am truly thankful for Kelsey. Life would not be the same without her. I'm thankful for all the Sunday nights we spent on my dad's tailgate, talking about the stupid mistakes we've made. I remember the days we would talk about how different life would be when we both moved away for college, and how much we would miss eachother. I remember parking next to eachother everyday at school, walking to Burriss' with Casidy, and wondering how we ever became cool enough to have a friend like her. I remember looking at her everytime Mrs. Cook did something crazy, and without saying a word we knew exactly what the other was thinking. I remember the first day of High School, sitting waiting for the bus when some idiot opened our eyes and let us know that we weren't in middle school anymore. I remember sitting by her at every football game. I remember all the days/nights I spent at her house. I will be forever thankful for all the times we got to play sports together, whether it be soccer, softball or even basketball. (When we would game up on all the guys in elementary school and they thought we were the best) I remember making ghetto music videos with her throughout middle school. I will forever be grateful for all the days I got to spend with Kelsey, and for the many many things that she has done for me. I know that we will be friends throughout our lives. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I love Kelsey.
Kaleina Mekenzie Jones.
You could say all the wrong reasons brought us together. A guy that wasn't worth it. But I think I will be forever thankful for him, in that he brought me and Kaleina together. Kaleina was the one that was always there when I needed her. I spent literally every day of summer at her house. I will forever be thankful for this summer. I'm thankful that we were able to get so close so fast. She kept me strong through the hardest time in my life, and I cannot thank her enough for that. Kaleina is one of my closest friends and I would not throw that away for anything. I don't care if people think our friendship is twisted. It's one of the best I have. I know that no matter what happens we will remain friends. I'm thankful for Kaleina's fiery spirit. I'm thankful for her willingness to remain by my side through thick and thin. I'm thankful for the many summer days we spent driving around Fresno, blasting music with the windows down because we were burnin' up. When I think of summer 2012, I will forever think of Kaleina. I'm thankful for her parents. I'm thankful for the poeple I have met because of Kaleina. I'm thankful for the hope she gave me, when I thought my life was over. I'm thankful for everything she has ever done for me. I'm thankful for the relationship she has with my parents. After such a short time, I know my parents love her. I'm thankful for all the days I spent at her house crying to her about how stupid I felt and how she promised me things would get better. I'm thankful that she believed in me. I will forever view Kaleina as one of the strongest people I know.
I love Kaleina.
Casidy Mikayla Olmsted.
Although I have only known her for a little over a year now, I will forever consider her one of my best friends. I honestly don't even know how we became friends. But I'm so grateful that we did. Out of nowhere we got really close and spent almost everyday together. Often times I would go to her house to work on a project for school, however, we never seemed to get anything done. We would talk the whole time and I would get home and still feel the need to call her. We were kind of the same person when it came to certain things. I loved all the days we anchored together for CTV. I remember all the times her and I would get told to be quiet in Mr. Wells' class. I miss all the times we would go places just because we were bored and we needed to tell eachother about all the things that had happened in our lives within the 3 hours that we had been apart after school. I loved that she was always there for me. She told me what I needed to hear, even if I didn't want to hear it. I'm thankful for all the days she brought me some sweet tea that her mom made. I'm thankful for all the days we hung out at her house, doing nothing. I regret how we didn't hangout as much during the last  few months that I was home. I wish I could have spent more time with her. I truly believe she deserves the best life has to offer us. I know someday she will marry some model of a guy and they will be beautiful together. I'm thankful for everything she has ever done for me. All the times she told me that I was worth more than what I was settling for. All the times she helped me believe that in the end things would get better. I'm thankful for the friendship we have.
I love Casidy.
Jamie Elizabeth Turner.
This girl is seriously one of the funniest people I have ever met. I'm more than grateful for the friendship she has given me. I'm so grateful she came back to public school senior year, and that I had the opportunity to meet her. I remember when I used to stalk her on facebook before I even knew her, and how I wished I could be her friend. I don't know what it was about her. Maybe it was the red hair, or maybe even just the fact that we had some mutual friends. Who knows. I'm thankful for Econ class senior year with Mr. Smith, that brought us together. I'm thankful that I can trust her with anything. I'm thankful that she had my back. She knew what I needed to hear, when I needed to hear it, and she was more than willing to yell it to my face, as long as it would get the point across. I'm thankful for her strength. She is definitely one of the strongest people I know, if not the strongest. I'm thankful for all the times I got to hang out with Jamie. I thankful for how loyal she is to the people that matter to her. I'm thankful for her spunky personality that got kept me going on the days that I thought there was no hope. I'm thankful for her example in my life. She has taught me so much, and she probably doesn't even know it. My senior year/life as I know it, would not be the same without her.
I love Jamie.
Melissa Michiale Hansen.
College would not be the same without her. I'm thankful to have her here with me. I'm thankful for the friendship we have. I'm thankful that she is like the sister I never had. She keeps me sane when college drives me crazy. I am so grateful for all that she has done for me. I'm thankful for girl's camp. I'm thankful for the gospel that brought us together. I'm thankful for her example. I'm thankful that I was blessed to have her in my life. Whether or not she knows it, I need her. I really do. She has helped me through one of the toughest times in my life, and for that I will forever be grateful. She's always been an example to me, and I will continue to look up to her for the rest of my life. I love how crazy she is. I love that she is not afraid to be herself. I love that when she doesn't like someone she drives me crazy hoping to scare the other person away. I love her family. They are seriously great. I'm thankful for her faith. I know that no matter what I can count on her. I'm thankful that we are practically the same. I never knew how close you could be to a person, until I met her. I'm thankful that we are hilarious together, and I know that I am not making that up, it's been proven. I love how we can do absolutely nothing yet be content. I cannot wait to see where this life takes each of us. 
 I know, no matter what we will remain friends.
I love Melissa.

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