Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This is my temporary home.

I have been living in Rexburg for almost two months. I feel like it's been much much longer than that. It's crazy how different things are here. No target. None of my friends from back home. No car. SNOW. No asians. No panera. It's kind of dissapointing sometimes.
I miss everything about home.
I miss my parents. I miss how my dad would come in every morning before seminary to tell me it was time to get up; even though he got mad at me half of the time. I miss knowing he was there everyday. I miss my mom. I miss having to make sure she was getting up every morning when i left for seminary. I miss the mornings over summer when she came in asking if I would come lay with Molly. I miss how they would wash the leftover food off my plates for me. I miss how they did my laundry sometimes. I miss taking naps with them on Sunday afternoons. I miss going shopping with them on Saturdays. I miss Cafe Leon dinners every friday/saturday night.  I miss all the simple things. I miss how they were there, everyday of my life. 
I miss Lanthan. I miss watching Rookie Blue, Hawaii Five-0, and Love in the Wild with him. I miss watching movies late into the night. I miss the sound of his car pulling into the driveway..letting me know he was home safe. I miss going places together, and people looking at us as if we were a couple. Actually I don't miss that. But I do miss him. I miss how he was there everyday of my life.
I miss Nana and Bubba. I miss going over to their house every Sunday for family dinner. I miss enchilada casserole, even if it seemed like we had it every other week. I miss how close we were. I miss all the days I spent at their house over winter and summer breaks. All the mornings Bubba made bacon for me and Lanthan. I miss the smell of their house at Christmastime, and Thanksgiving. I miss watching tv with them at night. Although, I was usually the only one actually watching, while they snored through the shows. I miss living within 10 minutes of them. I miss having them around, everyday of my life.  
I miss Kelsey. I miss living down the street from her. I miss our late night talks. I miss our sleepovers. I miss going anywhere and everywhere with her. I miss her family. I miss all the days we worked out. I miss her blue and green room that i spent so many days/nights in. I miss the air mattress that we had to inflate every night I slept over because she refused to share the bed. I miss seeing her everyday at school. I miss being able to talk to her everyday without life getting in the way. I miss being a part of her everyday life, and I miss her being a part of mine. I miss having her there everyday of my life.
I miss Kaleina. I miss all the summer days I spent at her house. I miss the multiple nights we spent tp'ing the Lea residence. I miss her house. I miss all the sleepovers with her, Jamie, Kelsey, Cheyane, and I. I miss all the times she was there for me. I miss driving around in my car with her blasting AMEN and relating it and every other song to our lives. I miss her mother. I miss the kids that were there everyday. I miss all the friends I made through Kaleina. (Kelsey, Cheyane) I miss hearing her say "text me when you get home," because it let me know she truly cared. I miss our "twisted friendship" that everyone thought we had. I miss having her around, what seemed like everyday of my life this summer.
I miss Molly. Yes, I miss my dog. I miss her soft ears. I miss how excited she was when I got home. I miss laying with her on summer mornings. I miss how she would bark when it was dinner time. I miss how she snored like my dad. I miss taking her in the car. I miss chasing her around the neighnorhood when my dad would forget to shut the gate. I miss seeing her everyday of my life for the past 5 years.
It's good to know that I will always be able to go home. I'm glad that this home here in Rexburg is temporary. I can't wait to see everyone in Fresno again. Let the countdown begin...22...

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