Monday, August 26, 2013


These are some things that make me, me....

I'm a Mormon. And I love it.
I have a small family and they mean everything to me.
I want lots of kids.
I love snow and rain.
I dream of livin in Seattle.
I'm in love with big cities. 
I cry when I see others crying.
I love making people laugh. 
I believe everyone needs the experience of living on their own (without your parents). It truly changes you.
I am a Taylor Swift fan. 
Country music is my favorite.
I have a passion for traveling.
I change my mind about things way too 
I have my entire life planned out on Pinterest.
I make friends easily. Always have.
My grandpa is one of my best friends.
I love my extended family!
I love my dog Molly, best friends. :)
Chick flicks make me happy. 
I date all the wrong guys.
I cannot sing to save my life, and I'm okay with that. 
I'm a good driver. Ask my friends.
I wanna make a difference in the world.
I'm my father's daughter. 
I'm not ashamed of my Savior. 
I love Rookie Blue. 
I love to quote movies. 
I know who I am. 
I rub my ears when I'm tired.
I listen to every single word of the songs I enjoy. And I find a way to relate them to my own life.
I've made mistakes, and I've learned from them.
Home Alone 2: Lost In New York will FOREVER be my favorite movie.
IMy dream is to stay the night in The Plaza Hotel.
I was born in Clovis, CA. And I grew up in Fresno, CA. 
I currently attend Brigham Young University- Idaho. 
I played softball for about 12 years before I got sick of it. 
My senior year in high school was my favorite year of school. 
I've kissed 2 boys in the span of my life. 
I want to serve a mission with my husband someday. 
I fainted one time, watching my dad give blood. He thought I was joking until I hit the floor. (Not his best fatherhood moment.)
I love the outdoors.
I would gladly live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the world.
I absolutely love roller coasters. 
My brother, not on purpose,  has caused 2 of my 3 major injuries. 1. Fractured pinkie- tripped me playing basketball. 2. 7 stitches on my right cheek- golf club to the face.
I got a rock thrown at my face one thanksgiving. Went through my lip.
I do not like being woken up from naps.
My full name is Mallorie Lane Hakanson. My grandma named me, Mallorie. Lane comes from my great grandfather, Louis Lane. And well Hakanson comes from my fatha. 
My brother and I are pretty tight. 
I have a lot of respect for my mother. 
I'm an artist. Or at least I think of myself as one.
I've lived in the same house my entire life.
I miss Adam Thomas Cleveland. I wish I didn't, but I do.
I don't like dirt under my nails so I keep them super short.
I want all boys when I have kids.
I have a Filipino step-grandma. 
I love my life. 

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