Thursday, April 24, 2014


I'm back! Rexburg, I h a v e m i s s e d y o u. 

I'm happy to be back. I wanna be here, and I need to be here. So it's good. 

Saturday I flew into SLC, and Chris picked me up and drove me here to Rexburg. We got to catch up on everything for that four hour drive to Rexburg. It almost seems like we never left! When we got to Rexburg, JayLene greeted us. IT'S SO GOOD TO BE BACK! Since it was a beautiful day, we went to the park and threw a football around. And then headed to Idaho Falls to shop. Like old times. 

Easter was really good. Church was great. We had a nice dinner and then went on a walk around campus. Kind of like the calm before the storm. 

Classes started Monday. It's different this semester. I have classes that are actually for my major rather than foundations. I feel like an adult now. Which is probably good, because I am one. 

We celebrated making it through our first day of school by playing ultimate frisbee that night. :) love my friends. Then we went back to Chris' to watch the office. So good. 

Logan you are p e r f e c t by the way 

A huge thank you to my best friends Jaylene and Chris for keeping me busy through that first rough weekend. You da best. 

"It so doesn't matter who likes us....WE LIKE US." -zen to zany

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Good days, good friends & goodbyes

Friday was my last day of work at Elaine's. It was bittersweet. This time around it's different. Over summer I didn't have much time to make friends at work. I got hired late in the summer, it was crazy busy, and I wasn't there for long. But over the past few months, I made a lot of friends, and a few really great ones. It's hard leaving a job you enjoy, and it's even harder leaving the people that made it enjoyable. 

Sunday was a good day. Church is always good. And seeing as it's been a few weeks since I've been able to go, it's nice seeing people. I said goodbye to my best good friend Melissa. I'll miss her. But I'm happy she has the chance to stay home, especially now that she has Ryan. I also got to go to dinner with some friends, and it was good just hanging out.

Monday was perfect. I went to Six Flags...again. Once again, the lines were perfect. And it was good hanging out with Brenda, Dane, and Lauren one last time before I leave. They may not know it, but they are all pretty great. And I love em. They made these last few weeks pretty dang good. I'll miss them a lot when I'm gone. 

I've never been good at goodbyes. So I guess this is more of a lot of see you later alligators. Till next time, I'll miss you Fresno. 

P.S. I didn't want the night to end either. 

K, bye. 

"This town will always be too small for all the dreams held inside my head. I'm sorry, but I cannot stay."

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


What do you do, when there is nothing you can do? 
I've been struggling with that tonight. 

"Silence speaks volumes."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

That one time I got a candy for going to the vet...

So last night my dog Molly decided that she would try to jump from the top of her dog house, to the barbecue..or so we think..and somewhere in between the jump and the landing she lost one of her "toe" nails. Like the ENTIRE nail. And she has a blood clotting  
We ended up being able to get the bleeding to stop and wrapped it well and put a baby sock on it so she couldn't get to it. 
Since she has a blood clotting disorder we thought it'd be best to get it checked out by the vet, just to make sure. So this afternoon my dad and I took her.  
I hadn't eaten anything other than a few pieces of LIFE cereal and I hadn't had anything to drink all day either, so I was weak to begin with. Then I had to hold molly while we were waiting in the waiting room for approximately 5 min..which isn't a big deal, except she's almost 40 pounds. So needless to say my arms were a little tired. When we got called back to a room my dad and the vet started talking about electrical things..apparently they're good friends..(news to me), and I went with the nurse to get molly checked out. Once again I had to hold her. So my arms were extra weak at this point. Then the BFF's came in to help, finally. At this point I was feeling a little weird but I didn't want to say anything so I gave molly to my dad and sat down. When they were finished my dad asked me to hold molly AGAIN while he talked to his best friend about the electrical stuff that he needed done. So I was standing with my weak arms, holding my 40 pound dog, waiting patiently for my dad when....I fainted. Feel free to LaughOutLoud. Luckily my dad was there to catch me, and more importantly Molly. The next few minutes were pretty much a blur. I couldn't see anything and I couldn't really hear anything either, but I knew what was going on to a certain extent. Anyway, long story short, I laid down for a second and everything went back to normal and the doctor gave me candy and everything was all better.