Thursday, October 18, 2012

call me crazy

I have found that it is crazy how fast you can learn to love someone. First impressions are nothing but judgements. Being in college for a month now I still cannot believe how close I am with people I have barely met, how close I am with people I initially thought I would never be friends with, and how much closer I've gotten with people I already knew.

Let's first start out with the roommates. Anne Marie Michelsen. She's awesome. I cannot thank her enough for not hating me after all those mornings of having to get out of bed to tell me about MY alarm going off. I'm definitely glad that we are roommates. We get eachother. We can do practically anything and laugh our way though it by somehow relating it to Mr. Wizard. I love her. Then we have Melissa Myers. AKA seven pounds. Because she practically weighs that much. She's crazy. She has a great amount of sassiness in her that comes out more and more each day. She would be the main reason I wouldn't get fat here, and one day I will remember to thank her. She and I are alot alike i think. We are the really laid back ones in the apartment, not many worries, just living the life of a college student. I love her. Last, but not least, we have Alyssa Pearl Olsen. I'm not going to lie, at first I didn't feel like we got along. She has more of a loud personality, and at first I just wasn't used to it. But over time, I've come to love it. When she's not out with her other friends she's pretty great to have around. I love her. These three have taught me alot about learning to love someone you have barely met.

Then we have the category of people that I initially thought i just wouldn't be friends with. Let's start off with Chelsea Sara Applegate. I remember the first time we met. Honestly I thought she was too "cool" for me. She snowboards and that definitely attracts the guys here. I just thought i didn't have a chance. However, I am pleased to say that me and Chelsea have become the best of friends. We've spent many hours talking about our lives and all the crazy things we've been through. Chelsea is great. She's strong, even if she doesn't think she is. And she can make me laugh like no other. She's kinda the closest thing I have to my friends back home. I love her. I couldn't possibly forget Jacob Huskinson. When we first met i thought he was crazy. He still is but he's great. He has one of those personalities that people are drawn to. Always giving, constantly making jokes. He is confident enough to make fun of himself and I die laughing everytime he is around. I'm thankful for Jake..he's a good guy. I love him. Then we have Hannah Drewery. Known here as "British Hannah". The day she showed up I think everyone thought to themselves, "I wanna meet her". I know I did atleast. And belive it or not, we have become pretty good friends. She can be really calm one moment and completely histerical the next. Because of her i will forever call vacuuming, hoovering. Thank you Hannah. I love her.

Lastly we have the friends that I already knew. Actually, we just have Melissa. Melissa Michiale Hansen. The girl that hated me not too many years back. I think we can both agree that we have gotten over that. I'm thankful for my 5th year of girl's camp, where I had the opportunity to meet her. I'll be forever thankful for having her next door and here with me, even if it's only for this semester. I've needed her. Especially this past week. It's crazy how much closer we have gotten the past few weeks. I didn't think it was possible to be the same person in two different bodies, but we pretty much are. I'm thankful for her strength in the gospel. She has always been a role model to me, even if I have never told her that personally. I love her.

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