Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sharp Tooth

I HATE BEING THE BAD GUY. You know? Like the bearer of bad news, or the one that has to tell someone something that will probably end up hurting them. hate it, hate it, hate it. And I feel as if I am that person today, well actually this week. And it makes me literally go insane. I make up these scenarios in my mind that maybe if I do this I will end up feeling this way and then I wont have to tell them that. I seriously would do anything to not have to be that person. Sometimes it seems as if I make myself unhappy trying to find a way to get out of being "bad news Barry."

And as if one bad thing isn't enough to tell someone within the week, let's all just give a great big round of applause to Alyssa for calling me into work forcing me to tell the same person even more bad news. 

Sorry I'm dramatic. K. bye.

P.s. on a lighter, much happier note...aren't they cute? hard hat and all. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Starry Night

Sundays are so good. They always have been. The past few have been especially great. I love my friends. And I love the Gospel. And my Heavely Father. And my Savior, especially my Savior. Thanks dad for converting mom and being good examples. I love you for that. 

Today was just a great day. Smiles all around. 

(This came on while I was getting ready today. I love it.)

"Jason drew me even closer to him, 'you care about me, don't you?'
'How do you know that?' My lips were practically touching his now-
'Because I care about you too.'"
-The Secret Journal of Brett Colton

Friday, February 21, 2014

A letter to Lanth

Dear Lanthan,

Today marks the tenth day since I saw you last. I miss you a lot more than usual. It's weird being home with you not here. Mckennah has been taking up a lot of your time lately, and deep down I understand. But I'm not gonna lie, she's not my favorite person right now. I hope you know that I love being your sister. I'm glad we figured out how to get along, cause you're my best friend. Forever. I miss you like crazy. Sometimes I think about how great summers were before McKennah. I loved staying up late and watching dumb shows with you every night. Those will always be some of my favorite memories. But I'm also happy that you found her. She makes you happy, so that makes me happy. I love you dude. And like I said, I MISS YOU.

Love always,

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Since I got home from school in January I've been helping out at the dentist office that my mom works at. I was originally hired to do sterilization, which is a fancy way of saying..."we need you to clean the instruments and mop up puke when necessary." Luckily, yesterday was the first time I have ever been needed for the latter. But guess what? I did it, I cleaned up someone's throw up. And it wasn't even someone I love. Just some random girl. And I have lived to tell of the experience. Looks like my future kids won't have too bad of a mom after all.

Anyway, I like working. I feel useful, and that's a good feeling.

p.s. to the boy that has feelings for me at this moment in time...thanks for making me feel wanted. i think i like you too.

"afraid to love beyond what i can lose when it comes to you."

Monday, February 17, 2014

Thoughts on thoughts

I don't know how to feel about this. I've never had someone so into me in my entire life. It's kinda freaking me out. It's also kinda endearing.

I got mad at Greg today for telling me to do something just as I was about to do it. Sorry dad, I love you.

Jillian Michaels, you're DVD kicked my bottom. I may need help getting out of bed in the morning.


I've always wanted a sister. She'd be good to talk to at a time like this.

If you call me mal I like you. Mally...not so much.

I like to put quotes at the end of my posts. Deal with it.

K, bye


"You have suffered enough at war with yourself, it's time that you've won."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

For the days I need reminding

Just a few reminders to myself. I figure that maybe if I write/type...whatever...them out that they will be easier to remember.

-life has lots of ups and downs, it's meant to be that way.
-you're lucky to have two jobs, let alone one. stop complaining about having to go to work.
-it feels good to get a compliment. stop making people feel bad when they say something nice about you,
-people have your back Mal. you got this.
-it's okay to have a bad day(s). just make sure you're doing everything you can to make for good ones.
-you are a daughter of God. no one can ever take that from you. no one.
-you have good things going for you. don't jeopardize that.
-stay busy, you'll be better off.
-stop feeling sorry for yourself. you have a wonderful, live and love it.
-laugh it out, you're always happier when you are laughing.

"Let me see redemption win, let me know the struggle ends. That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn. I wanna know a song can rise from the ashes of a broken life, and all that's dead inside can be reborn. Cause I'm worn."-Tenth Avenue North