Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sharp Tooth

I HATE BEING THE BAD GUY. You know? Like the bearer of bad news, or the one that has to tell someone something that will probably end up hurting them. hate it, hate it, hate it. And I feel as if I am that person today, well actually this week. And it makes me literally go insane. I make up these scenarios in my mind that maybe if I do this I will end up feeling this way and then I wont have to tell them that. I seriously would do anything to not have to be that person. Sometimes it seems as if I make myself unhappy trying to find a way to get out of being "bad news Barry."

And as if one bad thing isn't enough to tell someone within the week, let's all just give a great big round of applause to Alyssa for calling me into work forcing me to tell the same person even more bad news. 

Sorry I'm dramatic. K. bye.

P.s. on a lighter, much happier note...aren't they cute? hard hat and all. 

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